Value matters.
Values matter more.

The most compelling thing about finance isn’t money, it’s what money can do for people.

When we engage to transform businesses into world-class, sustainable organizations, the people who manage them sleep better, their employees find work more fulfilling, and the vendors, suppliers, and small businesses in the community keep the important customers they rely on.  In short, the success or failure of a business has far-reaching ripple effects. 

We’re devoted to making those ripples have a positive impact on everyone they touch.  To us, success looks like a sustainable and profitable company that contributes meaningfully to its community.  When this occurs, we have made an enterprise more valuable, and enjoy some of that value as attractive returns – validating our willingness to risk our own capital.

To achieve transformative outcomes, we bring more to each engagement than a check. We bring our passion, energy, expertise… and our values, which are integral with everything we do and to the successful, sustainable organizations we help create.

  • People – The best businesses recognize and leverage the creativity and expertise of every employee. We expect our companies to put people and their safety first, finding and keeping the best people by being the kind of place where they want to work.

  • Integrity – There is no shortcut to success.  We play by the rules, tell the truth, and win the right way.  We expect everyone in our companies to operate with integrity and ethical conduct, always.

  • Tenacity – To achieve greatness, our businesses recognize the magnitude of the challenges they face but press on with courage and resolve, and in doing so, they thrive where others falter.

  • Results – A business earns its right to exist by delivering what customers want at a profit. We invest in companies that have a pathway to world-class results, and collaborate closely with them to get there. We hold ourselves, our companies, and their teams accountable for results we’re all proud of.

Our History


Dan Cromie is the founder and Managing Partner of Point Cove.  Prior to founding Point Cove, he served as a Partner of Atlas Holdings, a $6B industrial holding company and private equity firm based in Greenwich, Connecticut, from its founding in 2002 until his retirement from the firm in 2020.  

Prior to joining Atlas, Mr. Cromie served as a consultant for the Commodity Operations Group of Goldman Sachs in a variety of capacities, including as a member of the development team of an integrated fixed income, currency and commodities operations system. Concurrently, he toured the country as a professional musician. Prior to his professional music career, he was a Senior Analyst at Interlaken Capital, Inc., a private equity firm.  

Mr. Cromie is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania.  During his college years, he gained valuable shop floor experience as an inventory manager of an aerospace supplier to Boeing, a quality control manager of a supplier to McDonalds, and as a material handler in a lumberyard. 

Mr. Cromie currently serves on a number of Board of Directors, including Adept Materials, Aludium, Bridgewell Resources, and RedBuilt.